7 Steps To An Organized Home
Only buy items you need.
Organize under the kitchen sink.
Label baskets and bins.
Train your household to put things away.
Only buy things you will use.
Organized closets help with stress.
Basket or bin can be helpful.
Only Buy Items You Need
1) Only buy items you need and use. It can be so tempting to shop a sale just because it’s a good deal. You may even try to make the sale items fit into your life somehow because it’s cute at the time of purchase; however, don’t fall into the buy because it's an on sale trap.
Organize Under The Kitchen Sink
2) Under sink storage can be a catch all for everyday cleaning items. The trick is to only have what you use in each room of your home. Use customizable baskets, bins or caddies to help keep everyday cleaning supplies accessible and handy. Organize a separate space where you keep restocking supplies (extra supplies) so when you open under your kitchen sink everyday it’s organized and beautiful. This will help keep your home tidy. For a great under kitchen sink storage container. Kootoo Kit Organizing Container. https://kootookit.com/Label Baskets and Bins
3) Label items to make life easier. Take out the guessing game when it comes to organizing your home. If you have a labeling system it can save you time and money, not to mention stress free living. My friend Ashley is a professional organizer who has transformed clients homes using her Circuit labeling machine helping to find everyday items a breeze.
Train Your Household
4) Training your household how to put things away after they use them can be a big key to keeping your home organized. Make sure your household knows where everything goes and train them to put things away. This can be tricky because you don’t want to come across as a tyrant, however; if everyone knows what's expected it makes for a happier life.
Only Buy Things You Will Use
5) Only buy things you love. Before you purchase anything ask yourself the question, does this item “spark joy”.The Konimari method , the queen of decluttering will tell you that an item has to “spark joy” in order to keep it. Keep this in mind when you’re purchasing for yourself or home.
Organized Closet
6) Organized closets are one of the best ways to stay stress free. We are in our closets choosing an outfit everyday so take the guesswork out of it and create an organized closet system so you know where everything is.
Donation Basket Or Bin
7) Keep a basket or bin near your closet so you can keep clothing items organized that you intend for a donation to a goodwill near you.This is great reminder when you find a clothing item that you need to let go of you can quickly set them in your donation basket and it’s one more thing you can forget about.

Tips From A
Professional Organizer
Even if you hire a certified professional organizer there will be a lot of questions to answer about your space.
What items do you keep?
What items will you donate?
What is trash?
What kind of space do you want?
What are the items you need in each space?
What kind of baskets and bins do you like?
Do you want bins to have labels?
You see what I mean! It can be exquisting, but worth it when you’re done.
Only you know what you want in your spaces and what you want to keep. Look around your home, under sinks, cabinets etc. and decide what you use each day that’s in those spaces.
The items you can repurpose and don’t want to throw away can be given to a donation center or goodwill near you.
Trash is the easiest decision you will make and if you start with throwing trash away it will make the organization of your home extra easy.
A professional organizer can help you get items in their spaces and give you ideas of what works, but only you know your habits and likes so be sure to speak up. What kind of a space do you want?
Start with trash, throw away and get rid of things you don’t use. You are on your way, this is half the battle.
Decide the space you want. Before you start, think in your mind what kind of space you want. Look through social media, pinterest etc. to get ideas of your style and keep in mind you don’t want more stuff, use your imagination and use items you already have in your space.
What items do you use in each space of your home? Only have the items you use in each room and no more. Use another storage area such as your garage or storage closet to store extra items you have two of and then use them to restock leaving everyday areas free from clutter.
Baskets and Bins can be a personal decision when it comes to organization. Use whatever works best in your space.
Labels for bins can be a game changer. Remember, having bins labeled helps a bunch.
Donate To A Goodwill Near You
Making a new year's resolution to not buy things you don’t need. Either make a donation to goodwill or give the items you want to keep a new purpose.
When you shop, is it with a purpose?
Do you end up throwing items away shortly after?
One of my new year resolutions is to not buy things I don’t need, donate and repurpose items to Goodwill and give my items I want to keep a new purpose.
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